Todd Wulffson authored the article "Beware of Pitfalls In Helping Employees With New Year’s Resolutions - Key Steps to Minimize the Potential Liabilities," for
"The top three resolutions in the U.S. for 2019 are (1) to eat healthier, (2) get more exercise, and (3) save more money. It would, therefore, seem to be a win-win-win for companies to offer wellness programs to their employees as a free employee benefit."
"It is true the corporate wellness programs such as quitting smoking, losing weight and getting in better shape are great ways for employees to be healthier, which in turn, can increase productivity and morale for all, and reduce insurance costs and medical bills for both employees and the company. However, no good deed in HR goes unpunished, so before your company offers to help its employees with their New Year’s resolutions, take steps to minimize the potential liability."
To read the full article, click HERE.